Thursday, January 15, 2009

16:11 God don't ever Change

folly is said in great dignity.
folly by the wicked as they walk in their pride
folly is a wonderful thing for you, but not for me.

fear and shame it WAITS for you
monkey see monkey do (clapping)
fear and shame it WAITS for you

no martyr is amongst you now
no one should smile until you get saved
this will be heaven...compared to where you are goin'

god makes grey hair
god makes black hair

who can find the virtuous woman?
he makes you female to betray men

American female stay away from me.
I am no good for you, you are no good for me.
American female stay away from me.
stay away
stay away from me

16:11 God don't ever change

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Doctor Corsica

The lights will go out in 5 minutes.
The car will be dead in 4.
So what did you guys do for 3
Hours when I was dead…..haha haha?

Who was there? Anybody I know?

We’re doctors, just not tonight.

I’m sorry.
I’m gonna go to sleep.

Danny Green

First time I saw you, and you haven’t called me a terrorist.
I am a naïve motherfucker.
I am going to bring business.

I’ve been in L.A. for one year.
Celebrity sighting:

Renee Russo
I saw Dwight
Julia Roberts…I saw her from the back!

You look at downtown Cleveland!
What are we missing?
…and I did not play football.

You look at downtown Cleveland!
What are we missing?
I am a naïve motherfucker.
I am going to bring business.
…and I did not play football.

{Morrissey and footballs}

Computa Fight

I never knew you…
Would get into it.

I don’t need the phone.

I put my price into it…
to fix it.

I never talked to your mother.

She said the computer is broke.

It was just the monitor.
It seems like the both tryin’ to be taken outta my store.

I’m not trying…to disrespect you.
I’m just tryin’ to talk to my people.
You in my spot?
You feel me?

Too old to be named Nicole

I’m dressed for outside. I’m too hot when I’m inside.
I’m dressed for outside. When I’m outside I’m too cold.

I like you. I wouldn’t comeback if I didn’t.
I just hate…everything about winter.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

and so it begins....

Tacoma Narrows Bridge creates visual + aural renderings which present an altered snapshot of the current, regional human condition.

TNB takes actual situational transcriptions and performs them through narrative and tonal elements. Words heard from the performed character studies taken "out of context" become "ultra-contextual".

The "snapshot" from real life experience to the performance (by the Tacoma Narrows Bridge) creates a continual uncomfortable breaching of the "fourth wall"...and leaves the viewer/participant to a continually altering interpretation.